Explore the income and racial diversity of places in Atlanta! A place is more diverse if the visitors to a place come from neighborhoods with various income and racial backgrounds. A dot in the map represents a place and the color represents social diversity.
We calculate income or racial diversity score through the same methods. First, we estimate the race or income composition of visitors at each POI by the average of the compositions in their origin block groups. Second, we calculate the income or racial diversity score as the sum of deviations from the city average. More details to come. http://friendlycities.gatech.edu/projects/estimating-diversity-at-points-of-interest-pois-in-atlanta-georgia-using-origin-destination-trip-data/.
The visitor data of places come from SafeGraph, which provides POI data for researchers for free. SafeGraph's visitor data of each POI come from mobile phone GPS trajectories. Researchers have estimated that SafeGraph data represent roughly 10% of the total population. Therefore, the absolute count of visitors and the visitors' block groups are limited by data availability. The origin of the visitors are aggregated on the census block group level. We refer to census block groups as neighborhoods in our dashboard. The demographic data (income and race) for each block group comes from ACS Census.